Multidisciplinary‭ ‬collaboration is undoubtedly‭ ‬the current trend‭ ‬for‭ ‬the development of the‭ ‬technology industry‭. ‬However‭, ‬due to the differences in educational backgrounds and‭ ‬personal‭ ‬characteristics‭,‬‭ ‬different‭ ‬thinking patterns‭ ‬of the diverse‭ ‬cross-disciplinary team members‭ ‬make the‭ ‬communication‭ ‬difficult.‭ ‬A case based on‬ a Taiwanese IOT startup company‭ has been‭ ‬examined‭ ‬in this‭ ‬research‭. ‬The‭ ‬researcher‭ ‬has‭ ‬participated in‭ ‬its design‭ ‬development‭ ‬of the air purifier‭ ‬since 2016‭. ‬Starting with‭ ‬the company cooperate‭ ‬identity and‭ ‬product’s‭ ‬logo‭ ‬design‭ ‬then‭ ‬the user‭ ‬interface‭ ‬of iOS application‭‭, ‬the‭ ‬collaboration‭ ‬has lasted‭ ‬2‭ ‬years and 3‭ ‬months‭. ‬The researcher‭ ‬first‭ ‬found,‭ ‬during the‭ ‬collaboration‭, ‬the designers and‭ ‬the‭ ‬engineers in the cross-domain team were thinking differently.‭ ‬Because the decision-makers were‭ ‬driven‭ ‬by engineering thinking‭, ‬the design-oriented proposals closer to the users’‭ ‬requirements‭ ‬could not be accepted and implemented‭.‬‭ ‬Thus‭, ‬it ended‭ ‬up with convincing‭ ‬engineers‭ ‬by asking them to‭ ‬participate‭ ‬in the‭ ‬design workshop‭.‬

The study was composed of three stages: (1) literature review, (2) participatory activity and (3) redesign. The first stage is about the study of differences in thinking between engineers and designers. Through UI/UX review and collaborating with engineers, we realized that communication between designers and engineers alone cannot eliminate the disagreement. Therefore, in the second stage, it creates an exchange field between engineers, designers and users through running a design workshop. And through usability test and affinity diagram, the consensus of the cross-domain team is agglomerated, allowing the engineers to change their minds and accept the opinions given by the designers. The third stage is the interface redesign of the iOS application based on the design outlines summarized in the previous two stages of the research process. The brand's new orientation was finally evolved from the original smart home appliances into a health care-oriented service operation.

Keywords: multi-disciplinary collaboration, user interface design, user experience, perceptual gap, participatory design